THQ and Volition are proud to announce our third DLC package for Red Faction Guerrilla, the “Smasher Pack”, coming soon for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Available on October 1st, the Smasher Pack contains 8 new maps for our couch multiplayer mode Wrecking Crew, along with a brand new “Behemoth” mode which will allow players to switch out the usual weapons for something a little more intimidating – Walkers. Each of the three main Walkers found in the single-player campaign for Red Faction Guerrilla will now be available for use in “Behemoth” mode, which include:
Heavy Mining Walker – Slow but powerful, this Walker can take down a building in seconds with a few arm swings.
Light Mining Walker – With the addition of jump jets, this fast-paced Walker is agile and suited for taking down smaller buildings.
Combat Walker – Replace speed and power with an explosive rocket arsenal, and you’ve got a Walker that can attack anything near or far.
The Smasher Pack is priced at 400 MS Points on Xbox LIVE or $4.99 via the PlayStation Network.
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Internally at Volition, we’ve been play-testing Behemoth mode on and off for a while, but always found that some healthy competition allows for a more invigorating experience. Our healthy competition overflowed a little bit this time around, resulting in a few wagers surrounding who would come out on top within the new mode. We ended up digging out a few video cameras and created an internal Developer Diary based around the new DLC, along with an internal look at Volition and their employees.
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