Sunday, May 2, 2010

Halo Reach Beta Prep on ODST Disc

Still have your Halo: ODST disc handy? Of course you do, because you want to play the Halo: Reach beta on Monday.

Starting today, there is a new beta introduction video starring Aisha Tyler available via your ODST game disc:

"[Aisha] Tyler walks through all of the exciting new game modes and offers her own tips and insider hints for each of the maps while showing off some life-size “Halo” weaponry. It’s a fun introduction to the beta that no fan should miss."

If you pop in the disc it should be available in the extras menu. Otherwise it'll be all over the internet starting May 3rd, the first week of your sick leave from school/work/life.

And just by playing a full game in the beta, you'll snag a Reach Hoodie for your Xbox avatar too. Not a bad little bonus for virtual clothes that generally cost money.

Here's a bit more on the beta itself:

"The “Halo: Reach” multiplayer beta is set to be the definitive Xbox LIVE event of the spring and will run from May 3 through May 19. The beta will be accessible via the “Halo 3: ODST” game disc (an Xbox LIVE Gold membership and Internet connection are required to play). The beta will offer millions of “Halo” fans a unique opportunity to test and help refine the biggest blockbuster game of 2010."

Wouldn't Beyonce be a better Halo advocate? Hey-o!

Check Out Halo Reach “Birth of a Spartan”Janet Jackson Was Happy To Return To Tyler Perry’s ‘Family’