Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fruit Ninja Kinect and Toy Soldiers Top XBLA Titles For August

Exact sales data for the Xbox Live Arcade has never been released by Microsoft but that hasn't stopped those in the industry from speculating. Sales data may mean very little to your average gamer. Outside of a heated debate about a console install base when will these figures ever come up? Regardless Gamasutra believes that the top selling XBLA games for August where Toy Soldiers and Fruit Ninja.

Gamasutra analysed data collected from the leaderboards for all of August's new releases. According to their work Toy Soldiers Cold War was on top with 160, 734 copies. Fruit Ninja followed with an impressive 115,445 copies moved.

Did you pick up any of August's Summer of Arcade titles? It was truly a great month for downloadable games with the likes of Bastion and From Dust being released as well.