Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Beijing 2008 Weight Lifting Screenshots

Sega has released new screens of Beijing 2008™ featuring Weight Lifting events. The sport of Weight Lifting at the Olympic Games consists of two types of lifts, the Snatch and the Clean and Jerk. The Snatch is executed in one motion where the barbell is lifted above the lifter’s head from a squatting position in one clean movement. The Clean and Jerk is executed in two motions where the barbell is lifted to the chest area first from a squat position and then is accelerated above the head.

The developers at Eurocom have designed the Weight Lifting mechanics to simulate the need for the athlete to generate explosive power, translating the stresses of real-life competitive weight lifting into virtual ones for the PLAYSTATION 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Get ready to lift against the best virtual athletes in the world as Beijing 2008™ will be playable online.

Beijing 2008 Weight Lifting ScreenshotsBeijing 2008 Weight Lifting Screenshots      Beijing 2008 Weight Lifting Screenshots      Beijing 2008 Weight Lifting ScreenshotsClick here to view all screenshots

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