In Batman: Arkham Asylum, The Dark Knight is trapped inside the dark and dangerous confines of Arkham Asylum, Gotham Citys asylum for the mentally insane. When the odds are stacked again him, Batman needs all of his gadgets along with his brute strength to fend off The Jokers minions. This new trailer showcases how the Batarang, Explosive Gel, Grapnel Gun and Line Launcher are used in Batman: Arkham Asylum to fight against an army of inmates.
Based on the core Batman license, Batman: Arkham Asylum will be available for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft® and PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system from August 25th, 2009 in North America and August 28th, 2009, in Europe and Australia. The Games for WindowsÒ LIVE version will be available beginning September 15th, 2009, in North America, and September 18th, 2009, in Europe and Australia.
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