Friday, February 26, 2010

Xbox Live This Week Secret Weapons over MLB (22410)

There's a larger than usual crop of new Xbox Live Arcade releases this week, as Greed Corp. for 800 MS Points ($10.00 USD), Fret Nice for 1200 MS Points ($15.00 USD) and Lazy Raiders for 800 MS Points ($10.00 USD) all hit the Marketplace today. We should have reviews up for each of these titles in the coming days. Meanwhile, I'm sure most of you are much more excited for the new Borderlands DLC The Secret Armory of General Knoxfor 800 MS Points ($10.00 USD), which released on Tuesday (after a weird snafu that let it go live but prevented anyone from downloading it). From our Secret Armory of General Knox preview:

Speaking of decent guns, Gibson let us in on another aspect of General Knoxx that's extremely enticing: The expansion will bring a new class of weapons to our inventories. These "pearlescent" guns are going to be the best you can get, and when I asked how much better they were going to be, considering I felt that some of the "orange" arms were actually pretty disappointing, he told us they new guns would be "much better than orange." We weren't shown any, so we'll have to take his word for it for now. However, we were shown a new "super chest" that you can find; this is supposedly a Crimson Lance supply chest with a double layer of shelves for a bigger selection.

Before the Gearbox guys packed up, they took me to the room where General Knoxx is located. No spoilers to be given here, but I will tell you to go there only when you (and your co-op team) are good and ready, because he's a Level 64 behemoth who'll bring the pain. Hopefully, he lives up to the old saying: "The bigger they are, the harder they fall...and the bigger their loot drop is."

Xbox Live This Week Secret Weapons over MLB (22410)

Sweet. Ninja.

This week also sees the release of a demo for 2K Sport's baseball revival MLB 2K10. From our hands-on with the MLB 2K10 demo earlier this week:

Another cool aspect is the feedback you get on the pitcher's composure. If your pitcher gets rattled by allowing a bunch of hits and runs, you'll not only get a display of the pitcher's lowered confidence, but if it gets really bad, you'll feel his accelerated heartbeat through the controller's rumble function, and when you try to aim a pitch on the edges of the strike zone in that condition, you might find that the cursor stutters and shimmies all around the spot, to show how erratic his throw might be. You can help him out a little by calling for a mound visit, which can be directed to help the pitcher's stamina or composure, though, like actual MLB rules, you only get one visit to the mound per inning unless you substitute.

Xbox Live This Week Secret Weapons over MLB (22410)

That'll teach him to crowd the plate.

Finally, Games on Demand gets a little dirty this week with the release of the off-road racer Pure for $19.99 USD. From our Pure review:

It's often said that "God is in the details," which happens to be the perfect mantra for Pure's visual package. Notice how the rider's clothing textiles sway properly in relation to the amount of wind resistance imparted upon them. Or how mud can and will be added to just about any part of the rider or his/her ATV. Proper suspension animations and wheels/tires which actually look correct at-speed are other little touches that Blackrock has flat-out nailed in Pure.

Xbox Live This Week Secret Weapons over MLB (22410)

Sweet. Jumps.

And that about does it for this week. We'll have another update next week as Microsoft begins their Block Party promotion with Toy Soldiers

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