This week's deal of the week revolves around six classic shooters. All of them are discounted massively - priced at 400 Microsoft points apiece. This week's deal has all of the basses covered - Are you looking for a side scrolling shoot'em up? Pick up Duke Nukem the Manhatten Project. Do you feel the need for a first person slaughter fest? Then download both Serious Sam episodes.
Check out all of the details below or head on over to Major Nelson's blog for a calendar of upcoming deals.Week of February 7 Retro Shooter:
Duke Nukem Manhattan Project, 400 Microsoft Points (50 percent off)
Space Invaders Infinity Gene, 400 Microsoft Points (50 percent off)
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2, 400 Microsoft Points (50 percent off)
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter, 400 Microsoft Points (67 percent off)
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, 400 Microsoft Points
Galaga Legions, 400 Microsoft Points (50 percent off)
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